Visiting Artists: Duke and Battersby

Cooper Battersby and Emily Vey Duke have been working collaboratively since June 1994. They work in printed matter, installation, curation and sound, but their primary practice is the production of single-channel video. Their work has been exhibited in galleries and at festivals in North and South America and throughout Europe, including the Walker Center (Minneapolis) , The Vancouver Art Gallery (Vancouver), The Renaissance Society (Chicago), The New York Video Festival (NYC), The European Media Arts Festival (Osnabruck), and The Images Festival (Toronto). Their tape Being Fucked Up (2001) has been awarded prizes from film festivals in Switzerland, Germany and the USA. Bad Ideas for Paradise (2002), their most recent work, was recently purchased for broadcast by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Emily Vey Duke received her BFA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, and is currently pursuing her Masters at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she was just awarded the campus-wide University Fellowship. Cooper Battersby received his diploma in computer programming at Okanagan College in Kelowna, BC. He was the recipient of a Canada Council Production Grant in 2001, and began pursuit of his MFA at UIC this fall.

Additional Images
BIFP-bad ideas still-02
You Were an Amazement - raccoon
You Were an Amazement prairie dogs lilies
